How to get rid of pigeons

While you may associate them with cities and parks, pigeon issues can affect anybody, including homes and businesses. These birds can become a nuisance if they decide to nest on your property, causing damage to buildings and spreading diseases like e-coli and listeria. Luckily, there are some really humane ways to deal with pigeon control problems.

How To Get Rid Of Pigeons

Here are our top tips for getting rid of pigeons.

What are the signs of a pigeon problem?

Pigeon issues are usually obvious, as they make a lot of noise and aren’t as shy as other birds. Prompt recognition of a pigeon problem will save you time, money and effort, so it’s important to know what to look for. They’re incredibly noisy, so if you hear cooing and fluttering sounds, pigeons are probably nesting nearby.

Other signs of a pigeon infestation at your property include excessive droppings, causing an unsightly mess and odours along your roofing, ledges and walls. You may also notice nesting materials or feathers present, especially in spots like eaves and balconies.

What are the rules on pigeon removal in England?

In England, pigeon control is heavily regulated to ensure the humane treatment of wild birds. Unlike most other bird species, pigeons can be controlled under General Licence if they pose a threat to public health and safety, but this must be done humanely.

It’s important to ask a professional pest controller to assess the type of birds causing you issues. Usually, only certain pest control methods will be permitted, like birdproofing and deterrents.

What are the best humane bird control methods?

Our bird-proofing solutions are as humane as possible, dealing with good prevention methods and safe pigeon removal. Options include bird spikes, which are placed in areas like ledges and rooftops, deterring pigeons from landing on your property.

Other bird proofing options include netting and wire, which again, stop pigeons from roosting in areas like roofs. You can also get pigeon meshing for solar panels, which often have issues with pigeons nesting below them. This mesh will stop them from getting underneath the panels in the first place.

How can you prevent pigeon problems?

Prevention is the key to avoiding pigeon problems at your property. One of the best ways to stop this is to ask for regular pest control inspections if you’ve had recurring pigeon issues, in case there are unidentified spots they’re gaining access through.

Always secure food sources that may attract pigeons, ensuring waste is disposed of correctly and outdoor spaces are kept clean and food-free. You could also birdproof your property via some of the long-lasting methods we’ve spoken about above.

Need help with a pigeon issue? Contact us

Effective Pest Solutions are experts in pigeon control. Our pigeon removal and bird-proofing solutions are available in London, Surrey and the South East, including Leatherhead, Watford and Woking.

For more information and a free quote, contact us today.

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